In a notable development within the realm of Nigerian comedy, teen sensations Emmanuella and Success have officially parted ways with Mark Angel Comedy. This change in...
In a significant development, police officers have been stationed outside the Afe Babalola Chambers in the Magodo area of Lagos to ensure security amidst rising tensions...
In a recent appearance on the Adesope Live show, renowned Nigerian singer Eldee The Don shared a remarkable anecdote about his father’s pioneering role in connecting...
In a significant move aimed at enhancing the socio-economic landscape of Edo State, Governor Monday Okpebholo has presented an estimated budget of ₦605 billion for the...
In a recent development, the House of Representatives has instructed the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Police Command to suspend the enforcement of the ban on tinted...
In a recent statement, Daniel Bwala, the Special Adviser to President Bola Tinubu on Policy Communications, praised the President’s resilience in the face of opposition criticism...
Governor Alex Otti of Abia State has submitted a proposed budget of ₦750 billion for the 2025 fiscal year to the state House of Assembly for...
In a significant political development, renowned Ghanaian actor John Dumelo has emerged victorious in the Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency election. The electoral results, announced following the...
The ongoing legal situation involving Nigerian singer Speed Darlington, represented by lawyer Stan Alieke, has recently progressed to the courts. Reports from Naija News indicate that...
The ongoing discourse surrounding President Bola Tinubu’s tax reform bills has ignited considerable debate, particularly among Northern governors and various regional groups who express strong opposition...