Renowned for her philanthropic endeavors, Nollywood actress Delight Ifeoma Benson Iweabuiro, commonly known as Queen Phina Don, is poised to launch her humanitarian awards alongside Phinadon...
The forthcoming Global Affairs Magazine Awards (GAMA) 2024 is anticipated to be a significant event, particularly as it will recognize Phina Don with the esteemed Award...
Lagos is preparing for an exceptional evening of sophistication and celebration with the forthcoming Queen Phinadon Touching Lives Humanitarian Award and magazine launch. This esteemed event...
In today’s digital age, the possibilities for making money online are virtually endless. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or embark on a full-time career,...
Healthy living encompasses a balanced lifestyle that fosters both physical and mental well-being. In an era where convenience often takes precedence over health, it becomes imperative...
On October 26, 2024, the majestic city of Stockholm, Sweden, played host to the highly anticipated Cultural Exhibition and Award Ceremony. This esteemed event, renowned for...
Maintaining healthy relationships requires effort, communication, and dedication from both individuals involved. These elements serve as the foundation for every successful partnership. However, uncertainty and inefficiency...
We are thrilled to announce that Ambassador Phinadon has been invited to the prestigious Cultural Exhibition and Award Ceremony 2024. This highly anticipated event, scheduled for...
Nuts have long been a popular snack choice for those seeking a quick, savory treat. While many of us recognise that nuts are rich in vitamins...
The recent conflict between the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) underscores the significant challenges that pervade the...